Resonant Arts is a San Diego based public charity (501c3 Status Pending) whose mission includes promoting the arts, assisting emerging creators to pursue their dreams, and celebrating the arts as vital to positive transformation and community flourishing. The organization has a particular focus on the visual arts & public installations. Our programs include providing education, mentoring, keeping working artists and art supporters alike aware of opportunities in their community in addition to providing material & logistic support for art & artists.
Programs Planned for 2024 Include:
Working with local retirement & assisted living communities, this is a series of free classes focused on teaching seniors the possibilities of self-expression and assisted creation currently available with this generation of Generative AI.
A free class to be hosted locally, focused on getting working artists up to date about the current legal regime & ongoing case law related to generative AI, art, and commerce.
Promoting Opportunities for Working Artists and Those Seeking to Support Them
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You can also contact the organization by emailing <a href=”mailto:”></a>